Download Arthamulla hindu matham book in english

<p>English translation of Arthamulla Indhu Matham Meaningful Hinduism - a Tamil book by Kaviarasu Kannadasan. Thursday, January 30, Arthamulla Indhu Madham in English Volume 4 - Chapters Arthamulla Indhu Madham by Kannadasan. Volume 4 Freedom from sufferings : Chapters 9 - Chapter Taking care of family and relations. If you teach a teen to be minimalistic and without desires, they'll develop frustration towards religious doctrines. Does Hinduism prefer to teach this way. It derives victory by suggesting and guiding small things to a family man. It shows sanyasm only to those who is dejected by family life. Do you have brothers? They say "Blood is thicker than tears", but in my way, it is softer than a flower. They say is "thaan adavittalum sadai adum", "I carried you for ten months", "When brother cries, so does the sister". Within four walls, there lives a old Dharma. I consider the affection within blood siblings is not found in wealth. The son is rich, and he keeps his parents away. If they ask for ten rupees for eating, he says, he can't afford it. When close relatives are in hunger, he eats for himself like a crane eating a fish. In my family, if one is starving, i can even give blood. Those who should be responsible for relations by birth, when they leave them, they will end up in hell. You may say that hell is only after death, but you're mistaken. All the sufferings that come without any reason or warnings are due to this. If someone begs for food, at least give them a half stomach full. Arthamulla hindu matham book in english your parents suffer because of your negligence, it is going to haunt you. This is truth and not to scare you. Investigate those lives who tend to suffer without any logic. They may very well have drove who came hungry to them. A mother fed her kid without limit and enjoyed the process. At old age, it is the sons responsibility to do the same to his mom. If he neglects his duty, he opens the door for suffering right arthamulla hindu matham book in english.</p>

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